Parent's Committee
Comprising dedicated parents, the committee works closely with school leadership.

The purpose of the Parents’ Committee (PC) is to provide a structure through which parents/guardians of children attending Ta’allum Group schools, can work together to provide the best possible education and school environment for the students. It may advise the Principal and the Board of Management in matters relating to the school.
The role of Parent’s Committee promotes the involvement of parents by endeavoring to support students, teachers and parents on an ongoing basis. In planning its activities, the PC consults with the schools Parents Committee Senior Leader (PCSL) who is the Principal of the academy, and Bi-annually with representatives from the Board of Management. The Parents Committee will not be involved in matters relating to the internal administration of the school.

Aims of the Parent Committee
- To assist in furthering the Mission, objectives and Learner Outcomes of the school.
- To provide a forum to inform and consult parents regarding school policy, plans and activities.
- To communicate parents' views on such issues.
- To be part of the wider Ta’allum Group Parents’ Committee, from time to time working on joint initiatives with other.
- Ta’allum Schools Parents’ Committees.
- To promote the national vision of the country and, in doing so, prepare students for future leadership.
Work Mechanism
- The PC meets on a regular basis.
- The PC may meet as per the request of the PCSL, or the chair, to discuss urgent issues.
- The PCSL chooses the timing of the meeting in consultation with the chair of the committee.
- The PC agree on recommendations by a majority vote of the present members and in case of equal voting, the vote of the chairperson prevails.