Secondary School Curriculum and Assessments
We have an exciting and challenging curriculum designed to ensure that we fully develop the talents of every student.
We believe in depth before breadth and commit extra time to the core subjects English, Mathematics, Science and Arabic in every age group to ensure that students quickly acquire the fluency to tackle the full curriculum with confidence. We also emphasise wider aspects of personal, social education founded on Islamic values along with other English National Curriculum areas.
Our central purpose is to ensure that all students within Al Jazeera Academy Secondary School achieve the highest standards, successfully graduating to Thanawia and on to university or a chosen, aspirational career path. These standards apply to all that students do.
The school aims to reflect the best of UK practice and the largest proportion of our curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum for England and Wales. This curriculum is a planned programme of courses that will lead to IGCSE qualification and later AS level qualifications, which in turn give students access to universities throughout the world. The curriculum is adapted for Qatar, as per Emir Decree, to incorporate the native language, religion and history of the country.
We have a coherent, broad, balanced, relevant, differentiated curriculum that builds on students’ experiences and prior learning, enabling all our young people to become successful learners, confident individuals, and responsible citizens as Qatar’s international standing continues to grow.
Our curriculum aims to:
- Value and appreciate their heritage and place Islamic values at the heart of all we do.
- Support our students in mastering the basics (literacy and numeracy) by making sure that these are taught in every lesson and, where necessary, in small groups.
- Work with our students to develop their resilience and to be reflective; helping them to be great learners by knowing where they are in their learning, how to improve and keep going when it gets tough.
- Ensure that every lesson develops curiosity so that our students are motivated and eager to learn more.
- Seek to equip our students with broad and deep knowledge, while recognising that knowledge is ever changing and they need the skills to respond to this.
- Will aim to ensure every pupil at Al Jazeera Academy will by age 17 meet the requirements for Thanawia (High School graduation certificate) and have real options to go to university and to follow the aspirational career path of their choice.
- Promotes every learning stage and need, including an enrichment programme as part of the core curriculum.
- Enables students to have a personalised learning programme which meets their individual needs, talents and interests: 11-17 years.
- Recognizes the pivotal role which advancing technology plays in the lives of our students. We will meet the ICT requirements of the academy curriculum through the introduction of increasingly modern systems and programmes. Every pupil has a specialized ‘tablet’ to support learning both at school and at home.
- Recognizes the centrality of Literacy as a crucial part of the core curriculum for all our students. The focus in Literacy will be on the acquisition, development and application of transferable skills, knowledge and understanding through the day to day curriculum. The impact of First Language learning in Arabic will be actively promoted for its significant positive effect on second language English skills. A majority of our students will follow and succeed in a First Language examination in English.
- Develops Numeracy skills across the curriculum.
- Provides differentiated programmes of study for those who have SEN (in our Knowledge Centre) or who are Gifted and Talented.
- Extends and enhances students’ learning experiences through the active promotion of extra-curricular activities.
- Meets MoE Requirements and fully reflects Ta’allum group wide policies.
- Fully integrates the best Islamic values and respect for the Qatari national identity at the heart of the curriculum.
- Recognizes and appreciates the role of business and authentic connection with the wider community (both local and global) in the education of our young people.
- Prior to entry to AJA Secondary School all Assessment information regarding new entrants is gathered and data regarding their academic performance is recorded, including End of Primary school Tests, Teacher Assessments, reading age, spelling age.
- In Years 7 and 8 students are placed in groups in some subjects according to ability levels whilst in most subjects academic groups are of mixed ability. There are some small withdrawal groups to support intervention for those with SEN. This provision is planned, implemented and student progress monitored by the Deputy Headteacher (Academic.)
- In Year 9 students begin IGCSE courses in core subjects (English, Maths, Science and Arabic)
- In Year 10 they will opt for up to 4 additional subjects to study at IGCSE level. Personalised pathways allow for some flexibility for those students who require further support with their studies in Key Stage 4.
- In Year 12 students follow AS Level courses. AJA is working with our Ta’allum partner schools to develop full two year A Level courses. This will enable students from Qatar who achieve the required entry qualifications to access the world’s most prestigious universities.
Academic Year
The Academic year is organized around two semesters of learning with examinations and reporting on student progress at the end of each one culminating in an End of Year Report which amalgamates the results throughout the year. It is a rigorous process. Baseline tests with an international relevance are being introduced so that we can see how our pupils are ding in wider comparative terms. The Academy operates an extended school day, with 30 lessons per week. Most lessons are 55 minutes. See the outline of the new school week below.)
Key Stages
- A shortened Key Stage 3 (Years 7-8)
- Key Stage 4 (Years 9-11)
- Key Stage 5 (Year 12)
Key Stage 3
Students are taught a broad range of subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Geography
- History
- Art
The curriculum is adapted to take into account the directive of the Supreme Education Council and under this directive students are also taught compulsory subjects of:
- Arabic
- Islamic Studies
- Qatar History
- Makarem
- Holy Qu’ran Studies.
Key Stage 4
The Academy operates a 3 year Key Stage 4 programme, (Years 9 to 11) in the Core subjects with the aim of consolidating learning, allowing accelerated early entry for students who are ready.
An options process takes place in Year 9 with 2 year IGCSE courses starting in Year 10 (Year 9 Options Booklet).
- English
- Mathematics
- Arabic
- Option blocks:
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Geography
- History
- Business Studies
- Economics
- Global Citizenship
- Art and Leisure
- Travel Tourism
- Islamic Studies is a compulsory subject directed by the Ministry of Education (formerly the Supreme Education Council). In addition to the subject-based curriculum there are several cross-curricular themes which are covered in more than one subject area – for example, Tarbeya Values (currently Truth, Humility and Modesty) e-Safety, Economic Awareness, Enterprise and Careers, Health, Environmental Education. These are also delivered through Assemblies and our Tutorial programme.
All KS4 students are given an individual interview during Year 11 to determine the next phase in their education and to guide them in making final choices re: AS/A Level/Vocational courses.
Key Stage 5
We have designed our Year 12 curriculum to meet our core aim of preparing students for university. We are offering a range of AS level courses as well as some carefully chosen other courses that will ensure we can meet the needs of a wide range of our students. Students’ choice of courses will be decided by how well they have done at IGCSE.
Year 12 students have the option to study the following:
- English
- Mathematics
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Applied Science
- Arabic
- Islamic Studies
- Art and Design
- Business Studies
- Psychology
- Health and Social Care
- Global Perspective
- Travel and Tourism (at Advanced Subsidiary Level)
Students are encouraged to follow a broad, challenging curriculum. The normal expectation for Year 12 students is that they will take three or four AS subjects. In addition, all students are offered opportunities to re-take IGCSE Mathematics, English and a limited range of other subjects to improve grades if necessary. The Academy provides subject specific conferences for students focusing on University entrance. Year 12 students must meet the agreed academic requirements for entry to AJA AS level courses. A minimum of 5 A*-C grades is the normal expectation with higher grades required in some subject areas.